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Credit Agricole invites to the FrankoFilm Festival

Zielona Góra has been a Mecca for French language enthusiasts for 15 years. FrankoFilm Festival is an opportunity for hundreds of young people from all over the world to pursue their passion for language through the art of cinematography. This year's edition of the festival will feature 45 short films – the best ones will be available at the end of May in the Lubuski Theatre in Zielona Góra. Honorary guests of this year's edition of the festival will be: Philippe Tłokiński and Patrycja Volny, the stars of the film "Kurier".

– Credit Agricole is a proud ambassador of French culture in Poland and tries to promote it especially among young people – says Przemysław Przybylski, the bank's spokesman. – About the FrankoFilm Festival we like the formula of the competition, which involves students to create stories about what is happening around them. They have to listen to this reality and translate it into the film language, which is narrated in French. For us, this is a double reason to be proud, because Credit Agricole is a French bank, for which attentive listening is a part of business DNA – Przybylski explains.

Each edition, apart from the presentation of competition films, includes many other attractions, such as a full-length film screening and a meeting with the main actors, meetings with famous personalities from the world of cinema, workshops conducted by guests, as well as exhibitions, shows and an integration evening. All presentations of competition films are open to the public – admission is free.

The International Festival of French-Speaking Short Films FrankoFilm in Zielona Góra is an initiative started in 2002 by Laurent Vavon, currently the Festival Director, President of the Artownia Association, an academic teacher of French language at the University of Zielona Góra and the coordinator of the Francophonie Days in Zielona Góra. During the 15 years of the festival's existence, it was visited by many personalities associated with world cinema, including directors: Rafael Lewandowski and Kasia Adamik, actors: Agata Buzek, Wojciech Pszoniak, Elisabeth Duda, and other cinema professionals, such as cinematographer Yann Seweryn.

More information: www.frankofilm.pl

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